The Good News and the People Making it Happen
2025 --- I guess it is obvious that reading is my thing.
I love the art of a story when reading fiction, how the author weaves the characters’ lives into each other’s and shows us how integrated each of us are even though we often think we are isolated.
When I started Premiere in May of 2007, I was told I would run out of good stories to tell of the people in NEA, but I knew that would not happen. We all have a story to tell and my favorite thing about Premiere is the opportunity to show how one small act of kindness touches so many.
Literacy - reading the written word - is so important to all of us, no matter our age. There is no better feeling than having a little one on your lap and reading them a book — then as they grow watching them “read” the book and then seeing them when they really grow up and choose to read for pleasure.
I am so thankful for all the people and programs supporting Literacy Awareness. What started as an idea to feature some local authors (because we thought readers would like the opportunity to read what their NEA writers have written) evolved into a full-fledged resource guide to better literacy in NEA.
We hope you enjoy this edition and go to your local bookstore and ask about these books and others by Northeast Arkansas authors.
-Dina Mason, General Manager & Publisher
[email protected]I cannot remember a time in my life when reading and writing were not high on my list of things to do.
I started learning to read at the age of three because I was determined to do everything my older sister was doing. A library card was a priceless possession and many hours have been spent picking out just the right books, not to mention reading them.
All through my childhood I wrote songs and poetry, and in junior high and high school I enjoyed both creative writing and contributing to the school newspaper and yearbook. I don’t think many were surprised when my career path included writing.
This month’s edition has been an inspiration as we have learned ways young people are being encouraged to read, and we have gotten to share stories of several local authors. I hope you will be as encouraged as I have been that there is a bright future for the written word as we celebrate Literacy Month. We certainly are honored to be able to publish NEA’s Premiere Magazine and share the Good News of Northeast Arkansas and the People Making It Happen!
-Gretchen Hunt, Content Manager & Graphic Designer
[email protected]
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